Dynamic capabilities in the tourist companies of the Colombian Caribbean coast: Case of Cartagena de Indias

Indira Meñaca - Guerrero, José María Mendoza Guerra, Milena Isabel Zabaleta de Armas, Viviana Cervantes Atia


Purpose: This article aims to characterize factors of dynamic capabilities and analyze the relationship between them. The case study is particularized for the tourism sector.

Design / methodology / approach: This study has a quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire applied to a sample of 136 tourism companies on the Colombian Caribbean Coast, specifically in Cartagena de Indias. For the explanation and interpretation of the information collected, multivariate factorial analysis and the Chi-square association test were used.

Findings: This research reveals the association and identification of the dynamic capabilities of innovation, adaptation and absorption with the positive behavior of companies in the tourism sector of the Colombian Caribbean (Cartagena de Indias), thus becoming sources for the optimization of strategic actions that make it possible to take advantage of opportunities and mitigate threats from the dynamic environment. In addition, if these capabilities are combined with each other, they become platforms for the development of new competitive advantages, giving rise to a new dynamic capability: the systemic one.

Limitations / implications: The study only covers companies in a specific sector and geographic location. Future studies should extend the analysis to other industries and territories. Practical implications: From a management perspective, it is suggested that those responsible for making decisions in tourism companies articulately implement dynamic capabilities for the development of competitive advantages and the use of their resources.

Originality / value: One of the main contributions of the research is the identification of the systemic capacity for the academic literature of the dynamic capabilities.


Absorption, adaptation, systemic, innovation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3926/ic.1793

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Intangible Capital, 2004-2025

Online ISSN: 1697-9818; Print ISSN: 2014-3214; DL: B-33375-2004

Publisher: OmniaScience