Globalization, uncertainly and risk
A wide analysis and reference about risk as like as the compilation of all his types and forms. A complete information guide about everything with regard to risk and his implications.
The risk can be presented like many intangible forms, whether knows, consider and management, this can be reduced or coverage the negative effects and some cases you can present profits.
All the types and forms of risk that you can found in this paper: diversiable, fundamental, own, hazard, basis, repayment, country, political, sovereign, transfer, credit, exchange, conversion, economic, interest rate, manufacture, market, commercial, operational, legal and liquidity.
The risk can be presented like many intangible forms, whether knows, consider and management, this can be reduced or coverage the negative effects and some cases you can present profits.
All the types and forms of risk that you can found in this paper: diversiable, fundamental, own, hazard, basis, repayment, country, political, sovereign, transfer, credit, exchange, conversion, economic, interest rate, manufacture, market, commercial, operational, legal and liquidity.
Globalization; uncertainly; risk
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Intangible Capital, 2004-2025
Online ISSN: 1697-9818; Print ISSN: 2014-3214; DL: B-33375-2004
Publisher: OmniaScience