Human resources management in fitness centers and their relationship with the organizational performance

Jerónimo García Fernández, Jesús Fernández Gavira, Elsa Pereira, João Carvalho


Purpose: Human capital is essential in organizations providing sports services. However, there are few studies that examine what practices are carried out and whether they, affect sports organizations achieve better results are. Therefore the aim of this paper is to analyze the practices of human resource management in private fitness centers and the relationship established with organizational performance.

Design/methodology/approach: Questionnaire to 101 managers of private fitness centers in Spain, performing exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and linear regressions between the variables.

Findings: In organizations of fitness, the findings show that training practices, reward, communication and selection are positively correlated with organizational performance.

Research limitations/implications: The fact that you made a convenience sampling in a given country and reduce the extrapolation of the results to the market.

Originality/value: First, it represents a contribution to the fact that there are no studies analyzing the management of human resources in sport organizations from the point of view of the top leaders. On the other hand, allows fitness center managers to adopt practices to improve organizational performance.


Sports Management, Human resource management, Fitness centers, Organizational performance

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Intangible Capital, 2004-2025

Online ISSN: 1697-9818; Print ISSN: 2014-3214; DL: B-33375-2004

Publisher: OmniaScience