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Author Guidelines





Intangible Capital accepts reviewing scientific articles related to the journal's focus and scope. From 2017-01-01, contributions will be accepted in good English, good Spanish, or good Catalan, and they must be original (not published in another journal or any other media). However, if the paper is finally accepted, it must be translated into English. Optionally, the paper can be published in both languages (English and the original language) for an extra cost of EUR 75 per paper. For papers written in poor English, we suggest revising them, whereas papers written in Spanish or Catalan must be translated before publication. In both cases, authors will decide to hire an external professional service (a certificate must be presented with the revision/translation) or OmniaScience’s revision/translation services. Intangible Capital will not assume the cost of this revision/translation, this should be assumed by the authors. If you are interested in OmniaScience’s services, please contact them using this link.

Along the reviewing process, it is forbidden that the contribution is simultaneously the object of review by another journal. Please ensure that if your paper has been previously presented at conferences, it has been substantially improved to be considered for the review process, and proper reference to these previous publications is included.

The articles may be sent in Word 97-2004 (doc), Word 2007 (docx) or Open Office (odt) format. The journal's editorial team will acknowledge receipt of the originals. To adhere to the formatting guidelines, it is strongly recommended to use the journal's templates for contributors, available in docx format. There is no limit to the length of the contributions. In addition to respecting the template formatting, the contribution must comply with the following requirements:

Title (and optionally, subtitle): The title must adequately describe the contribution's content. Authors: Authors must NOT include the author's names or any other information about them in the paper. Authors should include the author's names, their institutional affiliation and their e-mails in the intranet during the submission process.

Full author name's, no initials: In academic publishing, it is crucial to maintain the highest standards of clarity and precision, and this includes accurately identifying the authors of a given work. As such, we require that all authors of an article provide their full names, rather than relying on initials. This is because using initials can introduce confusion and ambiguity, particularly if multiple authors share the same initials. Moreover, using full names allows us to identify the gender of each author, which is an important consideration in ensuring equitable representation in the academic community. In the interest of inclusivity and promoting diversity, it is critical that we accurately represent the gender identities of all authors, and this can only be achieved through the use of full names. We, therefore, request that all authors of a manuscript provide their full names to facilitate accurate identification and equitable representation. By adhering to this standard, we can ensure that our publications meet the highest standards of quality, rigor, and inclusivity.

Inclusive and non-sexist language: We strongly encourage authors to utilize inclusive and non-sexist language in their work. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of using language that is free from biases and that is inclusive of all individuals, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or other personal characteristics. One important aspect of using inclusive language is to avoid the use of gendered language. This includes avoiding the use of words like "he" or "she" when referring to individuals whose gender is unknown or who identify as non-binary. Instead, authors should use gender-neutral language, such as "they" or "their". Additionally, authors should be mindful of the use of pronouns and other language that may be exclusive to individuals who identify as non-binary. It is important to be sensitive to the fact that individuals may have different gender identities and that language should reflect this diversity. Overall, the use of inclusive and non-sexist language is an important aspect of scientific writing. By using language that is free from biases and that is inclusive of all individuals, authors can help to ensure that their work is accessible and respectful to all readers.

Abstract: To produce a structured abstract for the journal, please complete the following fields about your paper. There are four fields which are obligatory (Purpose, Design/methodology/approach, Findings and Originality/value); the other three (Research limitations/implications, Practical implications, and Social implications) may be omitted if they do not apply to your paper. Abstracts should contain no more than 300 words. Write concisely and clearly. The abstract should reflect only what appears in the original paper.

  1. Purpose: What are the reason(s) for writing the paper or the aims of the research?
  2. Design/methodology/approach: How are the objectives achieved? Include the main method(s) used for the research. What is the approach to the topic and what is the theoretical or subject scope of the paper?
  3. Findings: What was found in the course of the work? This will refer to analysis, discussion, or results.
  4. Research limitations/implications (if applicable): If research is reported on in the paper this section must be completed and should include suggestions for future research and any identified limitations in the research process.
  5. Practical implications (if applicable): What outcomes and implications for practice, applications, and consequences are identified? How will the research impact upon the business or enterprise? What changes to practice should be made as a result of this research? What is the commercial or economic impact? Not all papers will have practical implications.
  6. Social implications (if applicable): What will be the impact on society of this research? How will it influence public attitudes? How will it influence (corporate) social responsibility or environmental issues? How could it inform public or industry policy? How might it affect the quality of life? Not all papers will have social implications.
  7. Originality/value: What is new in the paper? State the value of the paper and to who Notes: Footnotes or endnotes will NOT be accepted.

Conclusions of the paper male/female differences: In academic writing, it is imperative to provide comprehensive and accurate conclusions that reflect the findings of the study. In some cases, the conclusions may differ based on the sex of the individuals involved, and it is important to acknowledge this potential variability to provide a more nuanced and accurate assessment of the results. As such, we require that authors include a statement in their conclusions that addresses the potential differences in findings based on sex. This may involve a discussion of any observed sex-based differences, or an acknowledgment of the potential for such differences in future research. It is also significant to note that in some cases, it may not be appropriate or feasible to differentiate the conclusions based on sex. In these instances, authors should include a statement in their conclusions that explains that sex-based differentiation is not applicable or has not been studied, as it falls outside the scope and objectives of the article. By including these significant considerations in the conclusions of the article, authors can ensure that their work is comprehensive, nuanced, and inclusive, reflecting a commitment to rigorous and responsible scholarship.

Declaration of conflicting interests (required field): In this section, the authors will declare if there is some conflict of interest.

Funding (required field): Before the references section, the authors should declare if some people or institutions have financed the research presented in the article.

References: Whenever the authors refer to another author's ideas or results, they must indicate its origin using adequate citation. The citations must be written in text using APA 5th Edition Style (see template).

Tables and figures: Tables and figures must be correlatively numbered, following their order of appearance in the text. They must include captions that adequately describe the table's or figure's contents, and they should include the source of information used to build the table or figure.

Appendices: If needed, authors can add appendices to the document that include complementary material useful to other researchers (e.g., questionnaires used in surveys or econometric models). Appendices will be placed after the bibliographical references section, and they must be labeled using capital letters (Appendix A, B, ...), and should have a title descriptive of its contents.

As soon as the paper fits the guidelines for authors, the peer review process will start, following the policies described in the peer review process section. The process ends when the article is accepted or rejected. Intangible Capital takes no compromise about dates of publication and disclaims any responsibility about the contents of the contributions sent to the journal.

The journal reserves the right to make modifications to the article's contents, always noticing the authors and respecting their criteria.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. I did not use any AI tools in creating texts, images, figures, tables, and/or translations in my submission.
  2. The submission has not been previously published (or an explanatory note has been included in the -Comments to the editor- section) neither has been sent to other journal for consideration nor is planned to send to other journal until a final decision will made by Intangible Capital.

  3. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  4. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  5. All authors and their metadata will be submit during the submission process. I also declare, as a responsible for the submission, that this paper has not more authors. (In the editing process can not be added more authors).

    The journal is not responsible for the authors omitted during the process of submission.

    Please be careful and add all authors during the submission process. In case that more authors must be included in the authorship the extra cost will be 50 euros per added author.

  6. I have read and accept author payment system of the journal.
  7. I have read and accept the obligations about the authors ensuring the ethical principles of scientific publication.
  8. If the paper is accepted for publication, the author/s is/are requested to send the final version in English as IC publishes in this language.

    In this sense, there is 2 options:

    1. The author/s will hire an external accredited and professional revision/translation service (certificate required) or

    2. The author/s may hire OmniaScience’s language services.

    Therefore, I accept to do the revision/translation on my own (hiring a professional revision/translation service) or to hire OmniaScience’s revision/translation services.

    Note: If your paper has been correctly written in English, please also accept this point, although Intangible Capital will not apply the above considerations regarding paper revision/translation.

  9. Once the article is published, any changes that the authors wish to make due to the existence of an error not attributable to OmniaScience (authors' names, ORCID, email, affiliation, change in main text, spelling, references...) it will cost 100 euros.


Copyright Notice

Authors retain copyright of its works. IC publications are licensed under CC-BY-NC license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International  License), granting open access rights to society.

Specifically, CC-BY-NC license permits any kind of use, distribution, changes and building upon the article, as long as the original author and source are properly recognized and for NonCommercial purposes.




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