Special Issue on: Qualitative Research in Social Sciences Area/Field: Social Sciences Guest Editor Name: Ercilia García-Álvarez Affiliation: Universitat Rovira I Virgili de Tarragona E-mail: mariaercilia.garcia@urv.cat Name: Jordi López-Sintas Affiliation: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona E-mail: jordi.lopez@uab.es Languages: English, Castellano, Català Description about the Special Issue: Qualitative research traditions (e.g. discourse analysis, ethnography, grounded theory, mix methods, thematic analysis, case analysis, interpretative phenomenological analysis…) have a healthy provenance in some disciplines of social science and the arts, but have been neglected in others. The combining of ontologies and epistemologies (positivist, interpretative, postmodern) jointly with research traditions gives rise to both benefits and creative tensions, as well as promotes the debate about the nature of knowledge that qualitative research produces. The aim of this Special Issue is to provide an international forum within which the disparate array of questions that arise about a pluralistic approach to qualitative research can foster a cross fertilization of research methods in the social sciences. We invite contributions from researchers working with any qualitative research methods that treat social issues in organizational contexts (health, psychology, organization, management, sociology, politics, consumption, education, arts, and humanities). We are interested in submissions that address a range of ontological, epistemological and practical issues in pluralistic qualitative research in the social sciences including, but not limited to, substantive contributions as well as methodological. Subject Coverage: Research on social issues in organizational contexts (health, psychology, organization, management, sociology, politics, consumption, education, arts, and humanities) framed in any of the qualitative traditions of enquiry Authors’ guideline: Authors should follow the guidelines of the Intangible Capital. The normal refereeing standards will apply. Our intention is to engage in a constructive dialogue with authors so that the final product will reflect the highest standards for research work in the topic of this special issue. The guest editors will be happy to answer any questions from potential authors. Authors can find more information in: https://www.intangiblecapital.org/index.php/ic/about/submissions#authorGuidelines Important Dates: Deadline for submission of manuscripts: October 1, 2011 Acceptance/rejection notification: January 31, 2012 Revised manuscripts due: May 31, 2012 Publication Special Issue: December 2012 |